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Albania - Abissnet Superiore
Albania - Abissnet Superiore - First Goal stats
Opening Goals Scored
Opening Goals Conceded
Opening Goals Scored or Conceded
Record when team scored first
Record when opponent scored first
Equalizers scored
Equalizers conceded
Albania - Abissnet Superiore stats
20 matches played / 180
11.1% completed
Home wins: |
45% |
Over 1.5 goals:
| 70%
Draws: |
35% |
Over 2.5 goals:
| 50%
Away wins: |
20% |
Over 3.5 goals:
| 25%
Goals: |
48 |
Home goals per match: |
1.35 |
Goals per match: |
2.40 |
Away goals per match: |
1.05 |
Both teams scored: |
55% |
Goal times
Home team scored first: | 55% |
No goal scored: | 10% |
Away team scored first: | 35% |
Average minute when home team scored first: | 40 min. |
| |
Average minute when away team scored first: | 28 min. |
Home team lead-defending rate: | 56% |
| |
Away team lead-defending rate: | 40% |
Home team equalizing rate: | 60% |
| |
Away team equalizing rate: | 44% |
Home team lead duration: | 23% |
Teams level in goals: | 62% |
Away team lead duration: | 14% |
Home PPG when home team scored first: | 2.36 |
| |
Away PPG when away team scored first: | 1.71 |
More statistics tables can be accessed from the 'Statistics' dropdown list on the league navigation menu.
After 20 matches played in the Albanian league, a total of 48 goals have been scored (2.40 goals per match on average). The menus above provide access to league-level statistics and results analysis, including Albania - Abissnet Superiore results and goal scoring stats such as clean sheets, average goals scored and goals conceded.
The number of matches included in the regular season may differ depending on the way each league is structured. For most national leagues,
the stats above relate to the selected league competition in the regular season, excluding playoff matches. Some leagues include additional rounds of matches, for which dedicated
group tables may be featured on this page. When such group tables are displayed on the main league page, the stats above also include the matches related to those tables.