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Austria - 2. Liga

Visual table
  GP Pts
1  Wattens 30 65
2  Ried 30 63
3  A. Lustenau 30 50
4  Kapfenberger 30 46
5  BW Linz 30 44
6  Wiener Neustadt 30 44
7  FC Juniors 30 42
8  A. Klagenfurt 30 41
9  W. Innsbruck B 30 41
10  Floridsdorfer 30 41
11  Amstetten 30 36
12  Liefering 30 35
13  Austria Wien B 30 34
14  Lafnitz 30 33
15  SV Horn 30 25
16  Vorwarts Steyr 30 21

Fri 3 Aug 2018
BW Linz3 1A. Klagenfurt

Seasonal streaks

2nd consecutive win for BW Linz.
2nd consecutive game where BW Linz scored.
2nd consecutive game where A. Klagenfurt conceded.
2nd consecutive game where A. Klagenfurt scored.




BW Linz

(regular season) 

Seasonal match statistics

Played W D L  
  Home 15 5 2 8  
  Away 15 9 0 6  
  Total 30 14 2 14  


  BW Linz results 2.5+ CS FTS HT
27 Jul 18 Wiener Neustadt 0 - 2
0 - 1 Mario Ebenhofer (38)
HT: 0-1
0 - 2 Alan (65)
FT: 0-2
BW Linz - + - 0-1 stats
3 Aug 18 BW Linz 3 - 1
Alan pen. (28) 1 - 0
Mario Ebenhofer (43) 2 - 0
HT: 2-0
2 - 1 Ivan Saravanja (55)
Thomas Froschl (69) 3 - 1
FT: 3-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 2-0 stats
11 Aug 18 W. Innsbruck B 1 - 3
0 - 1 Alan (10)
0 - 2 Thomas Froschl (38)
HT: 0-2
Alexander Kogler (57) 1 - 2
1 - 3 Alan (64)
FT: 1-3
BW Linz + - - 0-2 stats
17 Aug 18 BW Linz 1 - 2
0 - 1 Patrick Lachmayr (25)
0 - 2 Milan Vukovic pen. (30)
HT: 0-2
Felix Gschossmann (o.g.) (63) 1 - 2
FT: 1-2
Amstetten + - - 0-2 stats
24 Aug 18 Wattens 1 - 0
HT: 0-0
Milan Jurdik (82) 1 - 0
FT: 1-0
BW Linz - - + 0-0 stats
31 Aug 18 BW Linz 5 - 1
Mario Ebenhofer (11) 1 - 0
Alan (21) 2 - 0
Manuel Hartl (32) 3 - 0
HT: 3-0
3 - 1 Ceyhun Tuccar (49)
Canillas (55) 4 - 1
Alan (83) 5 - 1
FT: 5-1
Floridsdorfer + - - 3-0 stats
16 Sep 18 BW Linz 1 - 0
Alan (9) 1 - 0
FT: 1-0
A. Lustenau - + - 1-0 stats
21 Sep 18 Kapfenberger 0 - 2
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Alan (69)
0 - 2 Thomas Froschl (75)
FT: 0-2
BW Linz - + - 0-0 stats
28 Sep 18 BW Linz 2 - 1
Mario Ebenhofer (7) 1 - 0
Lukas Tursch (21) 2 - 0
HT: 2-0
2 - 1 Dominik Stumberger (49)
FT: 2-1
Liefering + - - 2-0 stats
7 Oct 18 FC Juniors 3 - 2
0 - 1 Canillas (17)
0 - 2 Lukas Tursch (24)
Marko Raguz pen. (30) 1 - 2
HT: 1-2
Inpyo Oh (50) 2 - 2
Marko Raguz (52) 3 - 2
FT: 3-2
BW Linz + - - 1-2 stats
19 Oct 18 BW Linz 1 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Sally Preininger (55)
Canillas (60) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
SV Horn - - - 0-0 stats
26 Oct 18 Austria Wien B 3 - 6
Csaba Mester (32) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Canillas (34)
HT: 1-1
Florian Hainka (47) 2 - 1
Csaba Mester (48) 3 - 1
3 - 2 Florian Templ (66)
3 - 3 Florian Templ (69)
3 - 4 Canillas (73)
3 - 5 Mario Ebenhofer (89)
3 - 6 Nosa Edokpolor (90)
FT: 3-6
BW Linz + - - 1-1 stats
2 Nov 18 BW Linz 2 - 0
Manuel Krainz (23) 1 - 0
HT: 1-0
Mario Ebenhofer (82) 2 - 0
FT: 2-0
Vorwarts Steyr - + - 1-0 stats
9 Nov 18 Ried 1 - 3
0 - 1 Manuel Hartl (13)
HT: 0-1
Ante Bajic (55) 1 - 1
1 - 2 Canillas (70)
1 - 3 Manuel Hartl (73)
FT: 1-3
BW Linz + - - 0-1 stats
24 Nov 18 BW Linz 0 - 1
0 - 1 David Schloffer (20)
FT: 0-1
Lafnitz - - + 0-1 stats
22 Feb 19 BW Linz 0 - 2
0 - 1 Mario Stefel (35)
0 - 2 Michael Cheukoua (40)
FT: 0-2
Wiener Neustadt - - + 0-2 stats
3 Mar 19 A. Klagenfurt 5 - 0
Markus Rusek (15) 1 - 0
HT: 1-0
Benedikt Pichler (51) 2 - 0
Philipp Hutter (63) 3 - 0
Kosmas Gezos (74) 4 - 0
Kosmas Gezos (75) 5 - 0
FT: 5-0
BW Linz + - + 1-0 stats
9 Mar 19 BW Linz 0 - 2
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Alexander Grundler (56)
0 - 2 Markus Wallner (66)
FT: 0-2
W. Innsbruck B - - + 0-0 stats
15 Mar 19 Amstetten 2 - 0
Patrick Schagerl (3) 1 - 0
Marco Stark (19) 2 - 0
FT: 2-0
BW Linz - - + 2-0 stats
29 Mar 19 BW Linz 1 - 1
0 - 1 Sebastian Santin (30)
Thomas Froschl (35) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
Wattens - - - 1-1 stats
5 Apr 19 Floridsdorfer 0 - 2
0 - 1 Mario Ebenhofer (18)
HT: 0-1
0 - 2 Mario Ebenhofer (90)
FT: 0-2
BW Linz - + - 0-1 stats
13 Apr 19 A. Lustenau 2 - 0
HT: 0-0
Marcel Canadi (66) 1 - 0
Jose Barbosa (71) 2 - 0
FT: 2-0
BW Linz - - + 0-0 stats
19 Apr 19 BW Linz 0 - 2
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Daniel Racic (63)
0 - 2 Thomas Sabitzer (77)
FT: 0-2
Kapfenberger - - + 0-0 stats
26 Apr 19 Liefering 2 - 4
0 - 1 Mario Ebenhofer (12)
Kim Jungmin (23) 1 - 1
1 - 2 Thomas Jackel (35)
HT: 1-2
Alexander Schmidt (50) 2 - 2
2 - 3 Mario Ebenhofer (51)
2 - 4 Alan (70)
FT: 2-4
BW Linz + - - 1-2 stats
5 May 19 BW Linz 0 - 2
0 - 1 Marko Raguz (22)
0 - 2 Nicolas Meister (36)
FT: 0-2
FC Juniors - - + 0-2 stats
10 May 19 SV Horn 3 - 0
Daiki Numa (20) 1 - 0
HT: 1-0
Sally Preininger (47) 2 - 0
Dominik Kirschner (62) 3 - 0
FT: 3-0
BW Linz + - + 1-0 stats
17 May 19 BW Linz 0 - 5
0 - 1 Anour El Moukhantir (7)
0 - 2 Dominik Fitz pen. (32)
0 - 3 Manprit Sarkaria (40)
HT: 0-3
0 - 4 Dominik Fitz (59)
0 - 5 Anour El Moukhantir (69)
FT: 0-5
Austria Wien B + - + 0-3 stats
26 May 19 Vorwarts Steyr 2 - 3
0 - 1 Lukas Tursch (36)
Jefte Betancor (45) 1 - 1
HT: 1-1
Jefte Betancor pen. (54) 2 - 1
2 - 2 Gerhard Dombaxi (61)
2 - 3 Manuel Hartl (79)
FT: 2-3
BW Linz + - - 1-1 stats
29 May 19 BW Linz 0 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Patrik Eler pen. (61)
FT: 0-1
Ried - - + 0-0 stats
1 Jun 19 Lafnitz 1 - 3
0 - 1 Gerhard Dombaxi (6)
Michael Tieber (18) 1 - 1
1 - 2 Lukas Tursch (31)
HT: 1-2
1 - 3 Thomas Froschl (90)
FT: 1-3
BW Linz + - - 1-2 stats

Dates based on GMT time. Please note that match schedules and timing are subject to changes.

Home vs Away comparisons

Home / Away points Home Away
  % Points

Home / Away PPG
 Points Per Game at Home (PPGH)1.13
 Points Per Game Away (PPGA)1.80
Home / Away goals Home Away
  % Goals scored
  % Goals conceded
  League average (% goals)

Comparison with league average

BW Linz (30 matches) compared to league average

BW Linz League average 
Points per game     1.47
% Wins     47%
% Draws  
7%   25%
% Defeats     47%
Goals scored per game     1.53
Goals conceded per game     1.60
Total goals per game     3.13
% over 2.5 goals  
47%   56%
% over 3.5 goals     37%
% both teams scored  
43%   56%

BW Linz at home (15 matches) compared to league average at home

(home matches) BW Linz League average 
Points per game  
1.13   1.51
% Wins  
33%   42%
% Draws  
13%   25%
% Defeats     53%
Goals scored per game  
1.07   1.63
Goals conceded per game     1.47
Total goals per game  
2.53   2.98
% over 2.5 goals  
33%   56%
% over 3.5 goals  
20%   34%
% both teams scored  
40%   56%

BW Linz away (15 matches) compared to league average away

(away matches) BW Linz League average 
Points per game     1.80
% Wins     60%
% Draws  
0%   25%
% Defeats  
40%   42%
Goals scored per game     2.00
Goals conceded per game     1.73
Total goals per game     3.73
% over 2.5 goals     60%
% over 3.5 goals     53%
% both teams scored  
47%   56%
The 'League average' indicator refers to the average value for all teams in the league since the beginning of the season.

First goal, leading & trailing

  BW Linz
 Leading & trailing stats (total) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (total) Matches
  Team scored first 14 / 3047%
  Opponent scored first 16 / 3053%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (total) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 12 / 3040%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 8 / 3027%

  Average minutes leading 28.8 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 35.4 min.
  Average minutes trailing 25.8 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, BW Linz have been in the lead for an average duration of 28.8 minutes per match (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is longer than the average duration of 25.8 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  BW Linz
 Equalizer goals (total) (regular season) 

  Matches played 30

  Goals giving the lead 20
  Equalizer goals conceded 6
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)30%

  EQUALIZING (total)
  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 19
  Equalizer goals scored 5
  Equalizing rate * (2)26%

  Non-crucial goals scored 21
  Non-crucial goals conceded 23

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability
BW Linz have taken the lead 20 times and have conceded an equalizer on 6 instances, translating into a lead-defending rate of 70% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 30%).

Equalizing ability
Of the 19 times that BW Linz's opponents have taken the lead, BW Linz have managed to score an equalizer on 5 instances, translating into an equalizing rate of 26%.

  BW Linz
 Leading & trailing stats (home) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (home) Matches
  Team scored first 5 / 1533%
  Opponent scored first 10 / 1567%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (home) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 5 / 1533%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 5 / 1533%

  Average minutes leading 24.8 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 35.8 min.
  Average minutes trailing 29.4 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, BW Linz have been in the lead for an average duration of 24.8 minutes per match played at home (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is lower than the average duration of 29.4 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  BW Linz
 Equalizer goals (home) (regular season) 

  Matches played 15

  Goals giving the lead 5
  Equalizer goals conceded 0
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)0%

  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 10
  Equalizer goals scored 2
  Equalizing rate * (2)20%

  Non-crucial goals scored 9
  Non-crucial goals conceded 12

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability (at home)
In home matches, BW Linz have taken the lead 5 times and have conceded an equalizer on 0 occasions, translating into a home lead-defending rate of 100% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 0%).

Equalizing ability (at home)
Of the 10 times that BW Linz's opponents have taken the lead when BW Linz were playing at home, BW Linz have managed to score an equalizer on 2 occasions, translating into a home equalizing rate of 20%.

  BW Linz
 Leading & trailing stats (away) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (away) Matches
  Team scored first 9 / 1560%
  Opponent scored first 6 / 1540%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (away) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 7 / 1547%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 3 / 1520%

  Average minutes leading 32.9 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 34.9 min.
  Average minutes trailing 22.2 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, BW Linz have been in the lead for an average duration of 32.9 minutes per match played away (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is longer than the average duration of 22.2 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  BW Linz
 Equalizer goals (away) (regular season) 

  Matches played 15

  Goals giving the lead 15
  Equalizer goals conceded 6
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)40%

  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 9
  Equalizer goals scored 3
  Equalizing rate * (2)33%

  Non-crucial goals scored 12
  Non-crucial goals conceded 11

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability (away)
In away matches, BW Linz have taken the lead 15 times and have conceded an equalizer on 6 occasions, translating into an away lead-defending rate of 60% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 40%).

Equalizing ability (away)
Of the 9 times that BW Linz's opponents have taken the lead when BW Linz were playing away, BW Linz have managed to score an equalizer on 3 occasions, translating into an away equalizing rate of 33%.

The home/away result view table is only displayed for leagues set up to have each team play no more than twice against each opponent (one match at home and one match away) during the season.

Goals scored & conceded

SCORING Home Away All
Goals scored 163046
Goals scored per match 1.072.00 1.53
Goals conceded 222648
Goals conceded per match 1.471.73 1.60
Scored+conc. per match 2.533.733.13
Matches over 1.5 goals 80%93%87%
Matches over 2.5 goals 33%60%47%
Matches over 3.5 goals 20%53%37%
Matches over 4.5 goals 13%33%23%
Matches over 5.5 goals 7%13%10%
Over 0.5 g. at half-time 73%80%77%
Over 1.5 g. at half-time 53%47%50%
Over 2.5 g. at half-time 13%20%17%

Scoring patterns

GOAL / NO GOAL Home Away Total
Clean sheets 13%20%17%
Won-to-nil 13%20%17%
Scored in both halves 20%53%37%
Both teams scored 40%47%43%
Failed to score 47%33%40%
Lost-to-nil 47%33%40%
Conceded in both halves 7%40%23%

Total goals in BW Linz matches

Match total goals = 0 0%0%0%
Match total goals = 1 20%7%13%
Match total goals = 2 47%33%40%
Match total goals = 3 13%7%10%
Match total goals = 4 7%20%13%
Match total goals = 5+ 13%33%23%
Match total goals = 0 or 1 20%7%13%
Match total goals = 2 or 3 60%40%50%
Match total goals = 4+ 20%53%37%

Goal margins

WINNING MARGINS  1  2   3  4+ 
Home wins  22 01
Away wins  17 10
Home & Away wins  39 11
LOSING MARGINS  1  2   3  4+ 
Home defeats  34 01
Away defeats  22 11
Home & Away defeats  56 12
A majority of BW Linz's wins have been obtained with a margin of 2 goals or more (11 wins), while 3 of their wins had a one-goal margin. A majority of BW Linz's defeats had a margin of 2 goals or more (9 defeats), while 5 of their defeats had a one-goal margin.

Half-time lead

Half-time Home Away Total
Leading at HT 57 12  40%
Drawing at HT 55 10  33%
Losing at HT 53 8  27%
  Total 151530

Goal times

  BW Linz
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 7
GA 3
16-30 GF 7
GA 10
31-45 GF 9
GA 7
46-60 GF 3
GA 16
61-75 GF 13
GA 10
76-90 GF 7
GA 2
1st half GF 23
GA 20
2nd half GF 23
GA 28

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (total)       
 Avg. minute goals scored 48
 Avg. minute goals conceded 46

  BW Linz
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 3
GA 1
16-30 GF 4
GA 5
31-45 GF 3
GA 5
46-60 GF 2
GA 6
61-75 GF 2
GA 4
76-90 GF 2
GA 1
1st half GF 10
GA 11
2nd half GF 6
GA 11

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (home)       
  Avg. minute goals scored 40
  Avg. minute goals conceded 44

  BW Linz
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 4
GA 2
16-30 GF 3
GA 5
31-45 GF 6
GA 2
46-60 GF 1
GA 10
61-75 GF 11
GA 6
76-90 GF 5
GA 1
1st half GF 13
GA 9
2nd half GF 17
GA 17

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (away)       
  Avg. minute goals scored 52
  Avg. minute goals conceded 46

BW Linz scores

FT at home
0-2 4
1-1 2
0-1 2
0-5 1
5-1 1
1-2 1
3-1 1
2-1 1
2-0 1
1-0 1
FT away
1-3 3
0-2 3
2-0 2
3-6 1
5-0 1
2-4 1
2-3 1
3-2 1
3-0 1
1-0 1
The BW Linz score with the most occurences in home matches during the season in the league has been 0-2 so far (4 times).
Half-time at home
0-0 4
0-2 3
2-0 2
1-0 2
0-3 1
1-1 1
0-1 1
3-0 1
Half-time away
1-2 3
0-1 3
0-0 3
1-1 2
1-0 2
0-2 1
2-0 1


Austria Klagenfurt

(regular season) 

Seasonal match statistics

Played W D L  
  Home 15 6 7 2  
  Away 15 3 7 5  
  Total 30 9 14 7  


  A. Klagenfurt results 2.5+ CS FTS HT
27 Jul 18 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 1
0 - 1 Marcel Canadi (6)
HT: 0-1
Markus Rusek (73) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Lustenau - - - 0-1 stats
3 Aug 18 BW Linz 3 - 1
Alan pen. (28) 1 - 0
Mario Ebenhofer (43) 2 - 0
HT: 2-0
2 - 1 Ivan Saravanja (55)
Thomas Froschl (69) 3 - 1
FT: 3-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 2-0 stats
11 Aug 18 Wattens 1 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Sandro Zakany pen. (54)
Ignacio Jauregui (66) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 0-0 stats
17 Aug 18 A. Klagenfurt 0 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Atsushi Zaizen (90)
FT: 0-1
W. Innsbruck B - - + 0-0 stats
26 Aug 18 FC Juniors 2 - 1
0 - 1 Sandro Zakany (25)
HT: 0-1
Valentin Grubeck (56) 1 - 1
Valentin Grubeck (68) 2 - 1
FT: 2-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 0-1 stats
2 Sep 18 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 2
Benedikt Pichler (18) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Aleksandar Jukic (20)
HT: 1-1
1 - 2 Ewandro (55)
FT: 1-2
Austria Wien B + - - 1-1 stats
14 Sep 18 SV Horn 0 - 1
0 - 1 Benedikt Pichler (22)
FT: 0-1
A. Klagenfurt - + - 0-1 stats
21 Sep 18 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 1
HT: 0-0
Florian Jaritz (76) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Roman Kienast (81)
FT: 1-1
Wiener Neustadt - - - 0-0 stats
28 Sep 18 Floridsdorfer 1 - 2
0 - 1 Scott Kennedy (45)
HT: 0-1
Burak Yilmaz (70) 1 - 1
1 - 2 Patrick Greil (85)
FT: 1-2
A. Klagenfurt + - - 0-1 stats
5 Oct 18 Kapfenberger 3 - 1
0 - 1 Scott Kennedy (32)
HT: 0-1
Thomas Sabitzer (77) 1 - 1
Marco Gantschnig (87) 2 - 1
Paul Mensah (90) 3 - 1
FT: 3-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 0-1 stats
19 Oct 18 A. Klagenfurt 2 - 2
0 - 1 Thomas Hinum (34)
0 - 2 David Peham (40)
HT: 0-2
Patrick Greil (65) 1 - 2
Bradley Meledje (85) 2 - 2
FT: 2-2
Amstetten + - - 0-2 stats
26 Oct 18 Lafnitz 1 - 1
0 - 1 Florian Jaritz (34)
HT: 0-1
Mario Kropfl pen. (83) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 0-1 stats
3 Nov 18 A. Klagenfurt 0 - 0
Ried - + + 0-0 stats
10 Nov 18 Vorwarts Steyr 2 - 1
Maximiliano Moreira (o.g.) (28) 1 - 0
M. Halbartschlager (39) 2 - 0
2 - 1 Sandro Zakany pen. (45)
FT: 2-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 2-1 stats
24 Nov 18 A. Klagenfurt 3 - 0
Sandro Zakany pen. (11) 1 - 0
Markus Rusek (21) 2 - 0
Patrick Greil (27) 3 - 0
FT: 3-0
Liefering + + - 3-0 stats
23 Feb 19 A. Lustenau 1 - 1
0 - 1 Florian Jaritz (41)
HT: 0-1
Maximilian Waack (60) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 0-1 stats
3 Mar 19 A. Klagenfurt 5 - 0
Markus Rusek (15) 1 - 0
HT: 1-0
Benedikt Pichler (51) 2 - 0
Philipp Hutter (63) 3 - 0
Kosmas Gezos (74) 4 - 0
Kosmas Gezos (75) 5 - 0
FT: 5-0
BW Linz + + - 1-0 stats
8 Mar 19 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Benjamin Pranter (68)
Scott Kennedy (90) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
Wattens - - - 0-0 stats
15 Mar 19 W. Innsbruck B 2 - 2
0 - 1 Philipp Hutter pen. (6)
Alexander Grundler (36) 1 - 1
HT: 1-1
J. Handl (57) 2 - 1
2 - 2 Okan Aydin (79)
FT: 2-2
A. Klagenfurt + - - 1-1 stats
29 Mar 19 A. Klagenfurt 2 - 0
Benedikt Pichler (4) 1 - 0
HT: 1-0
Florian Jaritz (54) 2 - 0
FT: 2-0
FC Juniors - + - 1-0 stats
5 Apr 19 Austria Wien B 1 - 1
0 - 1 Florian Jaritz (35)
HT: 0-1
Sterling Yateke (49) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 0-1 stats
12 Apr 19 A. Klagenfurt 2 - 2
0 - 1 Daiki Numa (23)
0 - 2 Daiki Numa (40)
Benedikt Pichler (44) 1 - 2
HT: 1-2
Daniel Steinwender (90) 2 - 2
FT: 2-2
SV Horn + - - 1-2 stats
20 Apr 19 Wiener Neustadt 1 - 3
Alberto Prada (4) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Daniel Steinwender (42)
HT: 1-1
1 - 2 Okan Aydin pen. (73)
1 - 3 Florian Jaritz (90)
FT: 1-3
A. Klagenfurt + - - 1-1 stats
26 Apr 19 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 1
0 - 1 Stefan Umjenovic pen. (15)
HT: 0-1
Sandro Zakany (52) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
Floridsdorfer - - - 0-1 stats
3 May 19 A. Klagenfurt 1 - 0
HT: 0-0
Benedikt Pichler (75) 1 - 0
FT: 1-0
Kapfenberger - + - 0-0 stats
12 May 19 Amstetten 3 - 1
Daniel Scharner (2) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Okan Aydin (10)
David Peham (44) 2 - 1
HT: 2-1
Michael Drga (83) 3 - 1
FT: 3-1
A. Klagenfurt + - - 2-1 stats
17 May 19 A. Klagenfurt 2 - 0
Benedikt Pichler (12) 1 - 0
Sandro Zakany (38) 2 - 0
FT: 2-0
Lafnitz - + - 2-0 stats
26 May 19 Ried 1 - 1
HT: 0-0
0 - 1 Marco Hodl (67)
Julian WieSsmeier pen. (90) 1 - 1
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 0-0 stats
29 May 19 A. Klagenfurt 2 - 1
Okan Aydin (11) 1 - 0
Kosmas Gezos (45) 2 - 0
HT: 2-0
2 - 1 T. Himmelfreundpoint (90)
FT: 2-1
Vorwarts Steyr + - - 2-0 stats
1 Jun 19 Liefering 1 - 1
Alexander Schmidt (6) 1 - 0
1 - 1 Benedikt Pichler (39)
FT: 1-1
A. Klagenfurt - - - 1-1 stats

Dates based on GMT time. Please note that match schedules and timing are subject to changes.

Home vs Away comparisons

Home / Away points Home Away
  % Points

Home / Away PPG
 Points Per Game at Home (PPGH)1.67
 Points Per Game Away (PPGA)1.07
Home / Away goals Home Away
  % Goals scored
  % Goals conceded
  League average (% goals)

Comparison with league average

A. Klagenfurt (30 matches) compared to league average

A. Klagenfurt League average 
Points per game  
1.37   1.38
% Wins  
30%   38%
% Draws     47%
% Defeats  
23%   38%
Goals scored per game  
1.43   1.49
Goals conceded per game  
1.17   1.49
Total goals per game  
2.60   2.98
% over 2.5 goals  
47%   56%
% over 3.5 goals  
27%   34%
% both teams scored     73%

A. Klagenfurt at home (15 matches) compared to league average at home

(home matches) A. Klagenfurt League average 
Points per game     1.67
% Wins  
40%   42%
% Draws     47%
% Defeats  
13%   33%
Goals scored per game  
1.60   1.63
Goals conceded per game  
0.80   1.35
Total goals per game  
2.40   2.98
% over 2.5 goals  
40%   56%
% over 3.5 goals  
20%   34%
% both teams scored  
53%   56%

A. Klagenfurt away (15 matches) compared to league average away

(away matches) A. Klagenfurt League average 
Points per game  
1.07   1.25
% Wins  
20%   33%
% Draws     47%
% Defeats  
33%   42%
Goals scored per game  
1.27   1.35
Goals conceded per game  
1.53   1.63
Total goals per game  
2.80   2.98
% over 2.5 goals  
53%   56%
% over 3.5 goals  
33%   34%
% both teams scored     93%
The 'League average' indicator refers to the average value for all teams in the league since the beginning of the season.

First goal, leading & trailing

  A. Klagenfurt
 Leading & trailing stats (total) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (total) Matches
  Team scored first 18 / 3060%
  Opponent scored first 11 / 3037%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (total) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 12 / 3040%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 7 / 3023%

  Average minutes leading 25.2 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 45.6 min.
  Average minutes trailing 19.2 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, Austria Klagenfurt have been in the lead for an average duration of 25.2 minutes per match (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is longer than the average duration of 19.2 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  A. Klagenfurt
 Equalizer goals (total) (regular season) 

  Matches played 30

  Goals giving the lead 20
  Equalizer goals conceded 11
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)55%

  EQUALIZING (total)
  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 16
  Equalizer goals scored 9
  Equalizing rate * (2)56%

  Non-crucial goals scored 14
  Non-crucial goals conceded 8

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability
Austria Klagenfurt have taken the lead 20 times and have conceded an equalizer on 11 instances, translating into a lead-defending rate of 45% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 55%).

Equalizing ability
Of the 16 times that A. Klagenfurt's opponents have taken the lead, A. Klagenfurt have managed to score an equalizer on 9 instances, translating into an equalizing rate of 56%.

  A. Klagenfurt
 Leading & trailing stats (home) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (home) Matches
  Team scored first 8 / 1553%
  Opponent scored first 6 / 1540%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (home) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 5 / 1533%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 4 / 1527%

  Average minutes leading 27.9 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 43.5 min.
  Average minutes trailing 18.6 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, A. Klagenfurt have been in the lead for an average duration of 27.9 minutes per match played at home (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is longer than the average duration of 18.6 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  A. Klagenfurt
 Equalizer goals (home) (regular season) 

  Matches played 15

  Goals giving the lead 8
  Equalizer goals conceded 2
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)25%

  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 7
  Equalizer goals scored 5
  Equalizing rate * (2)71%

  Non-crucial goals scored 11
  Non-crucial goals conceded 3

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability (at home)
In home matches, A. Klagenfurt have taken the lead 8 times and have conceded an equalizer on 2 occasions, translating into a home lead-defending rate of 75% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 25%).

Equalizing ability (at home)
Of the 7 times that A. Klagenfurt's opponents have taken the lead when A. Klagenfurt were playing at home, A. Klagenfurt have managed to score an equalizer on 5 occasions, translating into a home equalizing rate of 71%.

  A. Klagenfurt
 Leading & trailing stats (away) (regular season) 

  OPENING GOALS (away) Matches
  Team scored first 10 / 1567%
  Opponent scored first 5 / 1533%

  HALF-TIME LEAD (away) Matches
  Team was leading at half-time 7 / 1547%
  Opponent was leading at half-time 3 / 1520%

  Average minutes leading 22.5 min.
  Average minutes level in goals 47.7 min.
  Average minutes trailing 19.7 min.
Note: in the table above, to allow for averaging duration values based on a total of 90 minutes per game, goals scored on the 45th minute and during added time of the first half are all considered to be scored on the 45th minute, and goals scored on the 90th minute and during added time of the second half are also considered scored on the 90th minute.
In this example, A. Klagenfurt have been in the lead for an average duration of 22.5 minutes per match played away (based on a 90-minute match duration), which is longer than the average duration of 19.7 minutes per match during which their opponents were in the lead in those matches.

  A. Klagenfurt
 Equalizer goals (away) (regular season) 

  Matches played 15

  Goals giving the lead 12
  Equalizer goals conceded 9
  Opponents' equalizing rate * (1)75%

  Goals giving the lead to the opponent 9
  Equalizer goals scored 4
  Equalizing rate * (2)44%

  Non-crucial goals scored 3
  Non-crucial goals conceded 5

(1) (Equalizer goals conceded / Goals giving lead) * 100
(2) (Equalizer goals scored / Goals giving lead to opponent) * 100

Non-crucial goals scored: goals scored that increased an existing lead, or decreased the opponent's existing lead.
Non-crucial goals conceded: goals conceded that decreased an existing lead, or increased the opponent's existing lead.

Note regarding the Goals giving the lead and the Goals giving the lead to the opponent values: both the team and the opponent team might take the lead more than once during a single match, so the total number of goals giving the lead to a team might be higher than the number of matches played by the team.

Lead-defending ability (away)
In away matches, A. Klagenfurt have taken the lead 12 times and have conceded an equalizer on 9 occasions, translating into an away lead-defending rate of 25% (for an opponents' equalizing rate of 75%).

Equalizing ability (away)
Of the 9 times that A. Klagenfurt's opponents have taken the lead when A. Klagenfurt were playing away, A. Klagenfurt have managed to score an equalizer on 4 occasions, translating into an away equalizing rate of 44%.

The home/away result view table is only displayed for leagues set up to have each team play no more than twice against each opponent (one match at home and one match away) during the season.

Goals scored & conceded

SCORING Home Away All
Goals scored 241943
Goals scored per match 1.601.27 1.43
Goals conceded 122335
Goals conceded per match 0.801.53 1.17
Scored+conc. per match 2.402.802.60
Matches over 1.5 goals 80%93%87%
Matches over 2.5 goals 40%53%47%
Matches over 3.5 goals 20%33%27%
Matches over 4.5 goals 7%0%3%
Matches over 5.5 goals 0%0%0%
Over 0.5 g. at half-time 67%87%77%
Over 1.5 g. at half-time 40%40%40%
Over 2.5 g. at half-time 13%13%13%

Scoring patterns

GOAL / NO GOAL Home Away Total
Clean sheets 40%7%23%
Won-to-nil 33%7%20%
Scored in both halves 20%20%20%
Both teams scored 53%93%73%
Failed to score 13%0%7%
Lost-to-nil 7%0%3%
Conceded in both halves 7%20%13%

Total goals in A. Klagenfurt matches

Match total goals = 0 7%0%3%
Match total goals = 1 13%7%10%
Match total goals = 2 40%40%40%
Match total goals = 3 20%20%20%
Match total goals = 4 13%33%23%
Match total goals = 5+ 7%0%3%
Match total goals = 0 or 1 20%7%13%
Match total goals = 2 or 3 60%60%60%
Match total goals = 4+ 20%33%27%

Goal margins

WINNING MARGINS  1  2   3  4+ 
Home wins  22 11
Away wins  21 00
Home & Away wins  43 11
LOSING MARGINS  1  2   3  4+ 
Home defeats  20 00
Away defeats  23 00
Home & Away defeats  43 00
A majority of A. Klagenfurt's wins have been obtained with a margin of 2 goals or more (5 wins), while 4 of their wins had a one-goal margin. A majority of A. Klagenfurt's defeats had a one-goal margin (4 defeats), while 3 of their defeats had a margin of 2 goals or more.

Half-time lead

Half-time Home Away Total
Leading at HT 57 12  40%
Drawing at HT 65 11  37%
Losing at HT 43 7  23%
  Total 151530

Goal times

  A. Klagenfurt
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 7
GA 5
16-30 GF 5
GA 4
31-45 GF 11
GA 7
46-60 GF 5
GA 5
61-75 GF 8
GA 5
76-90 GF 7
GA 9
1st half GF 23
GA 16
2nd half GF 20
GA 19

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (total)       
 Avg. minute goals scored 48
 Avg. minute goals conceded 51

  A. Klagenfurt
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 5
GA 2
16-30 GF 3
GA 2
31-45 GF 3
GA 3
46-60 GF 3
GA 1
61-75 GF 6
GA 1
76-90 GF 4
GA 3
1st half GF 11
GA 7
2nd half GF 13
GA 5

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (home)       
  Avg. minute goals scored 49
  Avg. minute goals conceded 47

  A. Klagenfurt
(regular season) 
0-15 GF 2
GA 3
16-30 GF 2
GA 2
31-45 GF 8
GA 4
46-60 GF 2
GA 4
61-75 GF 2
GA 4
76-90 GF 3
GA 6
1st half GF 12
GA 9
2nd half GF 7
GA 14

'31-45' and '76-90' include added time
GF: Goals scored ('goals for')
GA: Goals conceded ('goals against')

  AVERAGE MINUTES (away)       
  Avg. minute goals scored 46
  Avg. minute goals conceded 54

A. Klagenfurt scores

FT at home
1-1 4
2-2 2
2-0 2
5-0 1
1-2 1
2-1 1
0-1 1
3-0 1
1-0 1
0-0 1
FT away
1-1 6
3-1 3
2-1 2
1-3 1
2-2 1
1-2 1
0-1 1
The A. Klagenfurt score with the most occurences in home matches during the season in the league has been 1-1 so far (4 times). The A. Klagenfurt score with the most occurences in away matches during the season in the league has been 1-1 so far (6 times).
Half-time at home
0-0 5
0-1 2
2-0 2
1-0 2
1-2 1
0-2 1
1-1 1
3-0 1
Half-time away
0-1 7
1-1 3
2-1 2
0-0 2
2-0 1


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