Serik Belediyes stats rank the team in 14th position in the the league table with 40 points, 2 points behind Afyonspor and 1 point above Nazillispor.
The above table shows Serik Belediyes results against each league opponent.
The tables below provide additional statistics regarding Serik Belediyes's season in the league.
Scoring rate: percentage of matches where the team scored at least one goal
Conceding rate: percentage of matches where the team conceded at least one goal
The Serik Belediyes score with the most occurences in home matches during the season in the league has been 0-0 so far (4 times).
The Serik Belediyes score with the most occurences in away matches during the season in the league has been 2-0 so far (4 times). provides football statistics, results and blog articles on national and international soccer competitions worldwide. Football fans can keep a tab on stats related to their favourite team or leagues of interest, and access a wide range of team performance data analytics and league standings, not only on the world's most famous professional leagues, but also on amateur and regional leagues over the world. Example of soccer statistics include league standings, form tables, top goal scorers, scoring stats, statistical previews and goal timing statistics.
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