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Italy - Serie C - Group A

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec All matches Gameweek Results grid Filter
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Match location:
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Where Pordenone:
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Match total goals:

Matches played by:Pordenone
Pordenone playing:at home or away

3 SepTriestinaPordenone02Away win+--2--+
9 SepPordenoneJuventus U2311Draw+--2+--
13 SepVirtus VeronaPordenone02Away win+--2--+
17 SepSangiuliano CNPordenone01Away win---1--+
24 SepPordenonePadova01Away win---1--+
2 OctRenatePordenone00Draw---0-++
9 OctPordenoneArzignano20Home win+--2-+-
17 OctMantovaPordenone21Home win++-3+--
20 OctPordenoneTrento20Home win+--2-+-
23 OctPordenoneFeralpiSalo01Away win---1--+
30 OctPergolettesePordenone15Away win+++6+--
6 NovPordenoneLecco50Home win+++5-+-
12 NovPiacenzaPordenone03Away win++-3--+
19 NovPordenoneNovara10Home win---1-+-
27 NovPro SestoPordenone22Draw+++4+--
30 NovPordenonePro Patria22Draw+++4+--
4 DecPro VercelliPordenone20Home win+--2-+-
11 DecPordenoneVicenza22Draw+++4+--
17 DecAlbinoLeffePordenone11Draw+--2+--
22 DecPordenoneTriestina21Home win++-3+--
8 JanJuventus U23Pordenone12Away win++-3+--
14 JanPordenoneVirtus Verona00Draw---0-++
21 JanPordenoneSangiuliano CN21Home win++-3+--
29 JanPadovaPordenone11Draw+--2+--
1 FebPordenoneRenate11Draw+--2+--
5 FebArzignanoPordenone31Home win+++4+--
11 FebPordenoneMantova22Draw+++4+--
18 FebTrentoPordenone02Away win+--2--+
27 FebFeralpiSaloPordenone11Draw+--2+--
5 MarPordenonePergolettese11Draw+--2+--
12 MarLeccoPordenone00Draw---0-++
15 MarPordenonePiacenza21Home win++-3+--
19 MarNovaraPordenone41Home win+++5+--
27 MarPordenonePro Sesto10Home win---1-+-
2 AprPro PatriaPordenone00Draw---0-++
8 AprPordenonePro Vercelli01Away win---1--+
16 AprVicenzaPordenone21Home win++-3+--
22 AprPordenoneAlbinoLeffe10Home win---1-+-
  38 matches found
  (100% of 38 total matches played by the team)
   HGAG 1.5+2.5+3.5+TGBTShCSaCS 
  Totals 4741 2715888191112 
Averages 1.241.08 0.710.390.212.32  
Percentages 53%47% 71%39%21% 50%29%32% 
Team wins 1642.1%  
Team draws 1436.8%  
Team defeats 821.1%  
Match dates based on GMT time
HGGoals scored by local team
AGGoals scored by visitor team
1.5+Match total goals is over 1.5
2.5+Match total goals is over 2.5
3.5+Match total goals is over 3.5
TGMatch total goals
BTSBoth teams scored
hCSLocal team did not concede any goal
aCSVisitor team did not concede any goal


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