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Relative - updated on: 7 Jun 2020 ObjectiveThe Relative Form table is used to evaluate a team's recent performance relative to the team's overall performance in the season. DescriptionThe table lists team ranked by points and shows, for each team:
Below is a view of some of the first columns of the Relative Form table. Calculations
Points Per Game (PPG) last 8 matchesThat value is calculated based on the number of points picked up in the last 8 matches by each team, divided by 8 or, if the team has played less than 8 matches, by the number of matches played. Obviously that table is not relevant for teams that have not yet played more than 8 matches. Points Per Game (PPG) all matchesThat value is calculated based on the number of points for each team, divided by the number of matches played by the team. PPG last 8 matches - PPG all matchesDifference between the two following values: PPG last 8 matches, PPG all matches The Relative Form table does not use a typical Form table ranking method, as the teams are not ranked according to points picked up in their last few matches only. However it does include a Form-related metric (the Points Per Game in the last 8 matches), that is evaluated against the Points Per Game in all matches. ExampleYou can view an example on the Bundesliga Relative Form page. Avoiding pitfalls
A high Relative Form value might not necessarily indicate that the team is on a very successful run and that it would be highly ranked in the Form tables.
The relative form value is only a calculation of how high or how low a team's last 8 matches Points Per Game value is compared to their overall PPG considering the whole season so far.